Environmental Groups
Wirral Green Space Alliance Green Belt Legal Fighting Fund
The Wirral Green Space Alliance is a not for profit, non-political alliance and includes the following organisations: The Wirral Society (CPRE Wirral) Conservation Areas Wirral (CAW) Wirral Footpaths and Open Spaces Preservation Society Wirral Barn Owl Trust Irby Thursaston and Pensby Amenity Society (ITPAS) The Heswall Society Mountwood and Bebington Society Barnston Conservation Society Frankby Conservation Society Wirral Ramblers Greasby Greenbelt Action Group The Caldy Society Thornton Hough Community Trust Saughall Massie Conservation Area Eastham Village Preservation Association Claremont Defenders Stop Hoylake Golf Resort Action Group Defend Wirral’s Green and Open Spaces Bromborough Society Storeton Residents Association Wirral Wildlife (Cheshire Wildlife Trust)
The Wirral Green Space Alliance is a not for profit, non-political organisation. It is an Alliance of a number of Local Environmental and Green Belt Groups who are working hard to SAVE OUR PRECIOUS GREEN BELT. The Lead Group of The Alliance is the Wirral Society (CPRE, Wirral), a registered charity.:
The Wirral Green Space Alliance is a not for profit, non-political organisation. It is an Alliance of a number of Local Environmental and Green Belt Groups who are working hard to SAVE OUR PRECIOUS GREEN BELT. The Lead Group of The Alliance is the Wirral Society (CPRE, Wirral), a registered charity.:
Wirral Environmental Network
Wirral Environmental Network is a local charity which aims to advance the education of the public about the preservation of our world’s natural environment, ecological sustainability, natural resource conservation, waste minimisation, recycling and the principles of fair trade, within Wirral and the surrounding area.