The Society had been busy working to protect the Glegg Arms Façade from demolition and have taken a number of actions on behalf of our members and the community reflecting the numerous concerns raised. Actions taken to date are:
- We have alerted the Heritage Officer via local councillor and confirmed immediate demolition is not possible
- We have applied for local listing of the Glegg Arms
- We have contacted Whitbread to propose retention of façade. We are awaiting their comments
- We have contacted the case officer for updates and will continue to chase
- Organised a petition
- Submitted a strong objection to the council
- We are compiling the History of Glegg Arms for publication and to support our objection to demolition and proposal to retain the facade
- We will be applying for national listing of the Glegg Arms
- We have asked for our councilor to get the application out of delegation should the case officer be minded to agree to it.
- We have been in touch with local history experts to get as much background historical information on the building as possible.
- We have alerted members to the threat and will be keeping members up to date with progress.
- We are in contact with a reporter from the Globe/Echo and will be keeping him up to date with developments.
OVER 1500 people have signed the petition so far.