Lower Heswall Conservation Area
We are still the only residents' body which encourages the best designs of houses, retail and commercial properties in order to maintain the character and distinguishing features of Heswall. The Society is not just about opposing harmful change; it has also been active in enhancing our area over many years: for example, many trees in the Puddydale and in the Thurstaston Road triangle amongst others were planted by the Heswall Society. Go to Open Spaces for further information on these and other initiatives in which the Society takes an active role. We are heavily involved with 'Heswall in Bloom', including planting and maintaining the Castle Buildings' Flower Beds. We also support the Heswall Community Wildlife project which is currently focusing on the garden areas beside Heswall Hall and the Jug & Bottle, and are working closely with many other local organisations/societies concerned with issues that might affect the Heswall area. We encourage our members to take an active interest in our surroundings and to keep us in touch with changes proposed in the area around them. Each year we hold a series of meetings with speakers on the environment or topics of specific or more general interest. |
The Heswall Society is the local amenity society for Heswall and Gayton, formed just over 60 years ago by some far-sighted residents. The Society is involved in all local environmental issues and is consulted by the Council on policies affecting the Conservation Areas. We review every planning application and, where necessary, make our views known to the Council. In a typical year we will consider in excess of 150 applications. The Society's involvement in planning matters from consultation on policy, through to conservation issues and making representations on specific proposals is outlined in the Planning Section. Members can access additional detailed information on specific actions taken by the Society within Planning News in the Members Area using the password printed on their Membership Card. Feather Lane Woods